
EndeavourOS Linux

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EndeavourOS is a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. EndeavourOS uses the same rolling release schedule as Arch Linux, but periodically does "releases" where updated installation media (ISO files) are provided. As of September 26, 2024, the most recent release is "Endeavour Neo".

EndeavourOS features the graphical Calamares installer capable of installing the Xfce, KDE Plasma, GNOME, MATE, Cinnamon, Budgie, LXQt, LXDE desktop environments and the i3 window manager. KDE Plasma can be installed without an Internet connection. Additionally, there were "community editions" providing the window managers QTile, BSPWM, Openbox and the EndeavourOS exclusive Worm, as well as the Sway Wayland compositor. These were discontinued starting with the "Galileo" release due to a lack of maintainers and were officially removed with the release of the Galileo ISO on November 20, 2023.

EndeavourOS began as a successor to Antergos, a discontinued Linux distribution also based on Arch Linux.

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endeavouros_linux.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 04:39 by

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