
choco install conan

Return to Conan C and C++ Package Manager, CPP, Package Managers, Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book

Snippet from Wikipedia: Conan

Conan may refer to:

choco install conan -y

Chocolatey v1.2.0 Installing the following packages: conan By installing, you accept licenses for the packages. Progress: Downloading conan 1.54.0… 100%

conan v1.54.0 [Approved] conan package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. Downloading conan 64 bit

 from ''
Progress: 100% - Completed download of C:\Users\mcsec\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\conan\1.54.0\conan-win-64.exe (15.23 MB). Download of conan-win-64.exe (15.23 MB) completed. Hashes match. Installing conan… conan has been installed.
 conan can be automatically uninstalled.
Environment Vars (like PATH) have changed. Close/reopen your shell to
see the changes (or in powershell/cmd.exe just type `refreshenv`).
The install of conan was successful.
 Software installed to 'C:\Program Files\Conan\'

Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages.

See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.l

Directory of C:\Program Files\Conan\conan

11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> . 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> .. 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 770,697 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> certifi 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 5,324,467 conan.exe 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 1,265 conan.exe.manifest 11/16/2022 06:19 AM 55 conanpath.bat 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 3,266,218 conan_build_info.exe 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 1,276 conan_build_info.exe.manifest 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 3,324,855 conan_server.exe 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 1,272 conan_server.exe.manifest 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> importlib_resources-5.4.0-py3.6.egg-info 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> Include 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> markupsafe 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 200,208 pyexpat.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 3,619,856 python36.dll 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 26,640 select.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 1,190,416 sqlite3.dll 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 905,232 unicodedata.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 87,864 VCRUNTIME140.dll 11/16/2022 06:19 AM <DIR> yaml 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 59,408 _asyncio.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 89,104 _bz2.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 132,112 _ctypes.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 265,744 _decimal.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 208,912 _elementtree.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 1,687,568 _hashlib.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 257,040 _lzma.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 29,200 _multiprocessing.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 42,000 _overlapped.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 72,720 _socket.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 83,472 _sqlite3.pyd 10/27/2020 02:56 PM 2,141,200 _ssl.pyd

             26 File(s)     23,788,801 bytes
              7 Dir(s)  188,981,739,520 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Conan\conan>dir *.exe

Volume in drive C is BOOTCAMP
Volume Serial Number is 0246-9FF7
Directory of C:\Program Files\Conan\conan

11/07/2022 05:18 PM 5,324,467 conan.exe 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 3,266,218 conan_build_info.exe 11/07/2022 05:18 PM 3,324,855 conan_server.exe

              3 File(s)     11,915,540 bytes
              0 Dir(s)  188,981,346,304 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Conan\conan>conan –version Conan version 1.54.0

C:\Program Files\Conan\conan>conan –help Consumer commands

 install    Installs the requirements specified in a recipe ( or conanfile.txt).
 config     Manages Conan configuration.
 get        Gets a file or list a directory of a given reference or package.
 info       Gets information about the dependency graph of a recipe.
 search     Searches package recipes and binaries in the local cache or a remote. Unless a
            remote is specified only the local cache is searched.
Creator commands
 new        Creates a new package recipe template with a '' and optionally,
            'test_package' testing files.
 create     Builds a binary package for a recipe (
 upload     Uploads a recipe and binary packages to a remote.
 export     Copies the recipe ( & associated files) to your local cache.
 export-pkg Exports a recipe, then creates a package from local source and build folders.
 test       Tests a package consuming it from a with a test() method.
Package development commands
 source     Calls your local 'source()' method.
 build      Calls your local 'build()' method.
 package    Calls your local 'package()' method.
 editable   Manages editable packages (packages that reside in the user workspace, but are
            consumed as if they were in the cache).
 workspace  Manages a workspace (a set of packages consumed from the user workspace that
            belongs to the same project).
Misc commands
 profile    Lists profiles in the '.conan/profiles' folder, or shows profile details.
 remote     Manages the remote list and the package recipes associated with a remote.
 user       Authenticates against a remote with user/pass, caching the auth token.
 imports    Calls your local or conanfile.txt 'imports' method.
 copy       Copies conan recipes and packages to another user/channel.
 remove     Removes packages or binaries matching pattern from local cache or remote.
 alias      Creates and exports an 'alias package recipe'.
 download   Downloads recipe and binaries to the local cache, without using settings.
 inspect    Displays conanfile attributes, like name, version, and options. Works locally,
            in local cache and remote.
 help       Shows help for a specific command.
 lock       Generates and manipulates lock files.
 frogarian  Conan The Frogarian

Conan commands. Type “conan <command> -h” for help

Package Managers: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Package Manager Glossary, Operating System Package Managers (Homebrew for Linux, apt-yum-dnf-rpm-snap-AppImage on FUSEchoco-wingetHomebrew for macOS; Programming Language Package Managers: npm-nvm-yarn - pip-Anaconda-conda-miniconda - maven-gradle-sdkman-sbt-Leiningen - NuGet - go get - RubyGems - cargo - CPP Package Managers vcpkg and Conan), Package Managers for Kubernetes - Kubernetes Package Manager (Helm), Packages Managers for Containers (Packages Managers for Docker (Docker Hub), Package Managers for Podman), Package Managers for Windows (Chocolatey - choco, winget), Package Managers for macOS (Homebrew - brew), Package Managers for Linux: APT (Package Manager) - APT (KPackage, Synaptic (software) - Synaptic, Ubuntu Software Center, aptitude software) - aptitude, dselect, RPM Package Manager - RPM (APT-RPM, DNF (software) - DNF, up2date, urpmi, Rpmdrake, Yum (software) - YUM, ZYpp), Linux distribution - Distribution-agnostic (AppImage, Flatpak, GNU Guix, Homebrew (package manager) - Homebrew - brew, Nix package manager - Nix, pkgsrc, Snap (package manager) - Snap - SnapCraft -; Others (binary) (Sabayon Linux Package management - Entropy, Zenwalk netpkg, Arch Linux pacman, Pardus (operating system) - Pardus PiSi, Puppy Linux PPM, slackpkg, slapt-get, swaret, paldo (operating system) - paldo upkg); Package Format, Image, Artifact, CLIs, Command line security, Tab completion, Automation, DevOps Tools, Container Tools, K8S Tools, Programming Tools, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), CI-CD, Git-GitHub-GitOps, Scripting languages (Python scripting, Bash script, PowerShell-PowerShell DSC), Configuration Management (Terraform-Ansible-Chef-Puppet-Salt), Linux CLI Shells bash-ksh-tcsh-mksh-zsh, macOS CLI-iTerm2, Windows CLI / cmd.exe, Windows Terminal, cURL, REPLs, IDEs, Cloud IDEs. (navbar_package_manager - see also navbar_dependency_management, navbar_developer_tools, navbar_choco, navbar_brew, navbar_nvm, navbar_npm, navbar_maven, navbar_gradle, navbar_helm)

C Language: C Fundamentals, C Inventor - C Language Designer: Dennis Ritchie in 1972; C Standards: ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) / SC 22 (Subcommittee 22) / WG 14 (Working Group 14) (ISO C); C Keywords, C Pointers, C Data Structures - C Algorithms, C Syntax, C Memory Management, C Recursion, C on Android, C on Linux, C on macOS, C on Windows, C Installation, C Containerization, C Configuration, C Compiler, C IDEs (CLion), C Development Tools, C DevOps - C SRE, C Data Science - C DataOps, C Machine Learning, C Deep Learning, C Concurrency, C History, C Bibliography, Manning C Programming Series, C Glossary, C Topics, C Courses, C Standard Library, C Libraries, C Frameworks, C Research, C GitHub, Written in C, C Popularity, C Awesome List, C Versions. (navbar_c)

C++: C++ Fundamentals, C++ Inventor - C++ Language Designer: Bjarne Stroustrup in 1985; C++ Keywords, C++ Built-In Data Types, C++ Data Structures (CPP Containers) - C++ Algorithms, C++ Syntax, C++ OOP - C++ Design Patterns, Clean C++ - C++ Style Guide, C++ Best Practices ( C++ Core Guidelines (CG)) - C++ BDD, C++ Standards ( C++ 23, C++ 20, C++ 17, C++ 14, C++ 11, C++ 03, C++ 98), Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Glossary,,,, C++ Compilers (Compiler Explorer, MinGW), C++ IDEs, C++ Development Tools, C++ Linter, C++ Debugging, C++ Modules ( C++20), C++ Packages, C++ Package Manager ( Conan - the C/C++ Package Manager), C++ Standard Library, C++ Libraries, C++ Frameworks, C++ DevOps - C++ SRE, C++ CI/CD ( C++ Build Pipeline), C++ Data Science - C++ DataOps, C++ Machine Learning, C++ Deep Learning, Functional C++, C++ Concurrency, C++ History, C++ Topics, C++ Bibliography, Manning C++ Series, C++ Courses, CppCon, C++ Research, C++ GitHub, Written in C++, C++ Popularity, C++ Awesome , C++ Versions. (navbar_cplusplus – see also navbar_cpp_containers, navbar_cppcon, navbar_cpp_core_guidelines, navbar_cpp23, navbar_cpp20, navbar_cpp17, navbar_cpp14, navbar_cpp11)

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