
Cloud Native Development Tools

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Cloud-native development focuses on building and running scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Here's a list of top tools essential for cloud-native development, including descriptions and relevant URLs for their GitHub repositories, official websites, and documentation.

Top 30 Cloud Native Development Tools

This list includes a range of tools that support the development, deployment, and operation of cloud-native applications, from containerization and orchestration to monitoring and security.

1. Kubernetes

2. Docker

3. Prometheus

4. Istio

5. Helm

6. Terraform

7. Grafana

8. Fluentd

9. Jaeger

10. Envoy

11. GitLab CI/CD

12. Jenkins X

13. Knative

14. Linkerd

15. NATS

16. OpenFaaS

17. Pulumi

18. Rook

19. Skaffold

20. SonarQube

Additional Cloud Native Development Tools

The remaining 10 tools are critical for various stages of cloud-native development, focusing on security, monitoring, and automation:

  • 21. Vault by HashiCorp: Manages secrets and protects sensitive data.
  • 22. Argo CD: Declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.
  • 23. Kustomize: Template-free way to customize application configuration.
  • 24. KEDA (Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling): Provides event-driven autoscaling for your Kubernetes workloads.
  • 25. Crossplane: An open-source multicloud control plane to manage your cloud-native applications and infrastructure across environments.
  • 26. Falco: Cloud-native runtime security project.
  • 27. Calico: Networking and network security solution for containers, virtual machines, and native host-based workloads.
  • 28. Cortex: Horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term storage for Prometheus.
  • 29. Flux: Tool that automatically ensures that the state of a cluster matches the config in git.
  • 30. Harbor: An open-source trusted cloud-native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.

Each tool offers unique capabilities to support the development, deployment, and management of cloud-native applications, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security in dynamic cloud environments.

This comprehensive list aims to equip developers and DevOps professionals with a broad toolkit for tackling the challenges of cloud-native application development, from initial coding and local testing to deployment and scaling in the cloud.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation: CNCF Projects, Cloud Native Frameworks, Cloud Native DevOps - Cloud Native SRE - Cloud Native CI/CD, Cloud Native Security - Cloud Native DevSecOps - Falco, Cloud Native Kubernetes, Cloud Native Containerization, Cloud Native Docker, Cloud Native Service Mesh, Cloud Native Microservices, Cloud Native AWS - Cloud Native AWS - Cloud Native GCP - Cloud Native IBM Cloud - Cloud Native Mainframe, Cloud Native Mobile (Cloud Native Android, Cloud Native iOS), Cloud Native Programming Languages ( Cloud Native C# .NET - Cloud Native Azure, Cloud Native Golang, Cloud Native Java - Cloud Native Spring - Cloud Native Quarkus, Cloud Native JavaScript - Cloud Native React, Cloud Native Kotlin, Cloud Native Python - Cloud Native Django - Cloud Native Flask, Cloud Native Rust, Cloud Native Swift, Cloud Native TypeScript - Cloud Native Angular; Cloud Native Linux, Cloud Native Windows, Cloud Native Message Brokers, Cloud Native Kafka, Cloud Native Functional Programming, Cloud Native Concurrency, Cloud Native Data Science - Cloud Native Databases, Cloud Native Machine Learning, Cloud Native Bibliography, Manning Cloud Native Series, Cloud Native Courses, Cloud Native Glossary, Awesome Cloud Native, Cloud Native GitHub, Cloud Native Topics. (navbar_cloud_native_languages and navbar_cncf)

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