
Django on DreamHost

Return to Passenger or Django

Django overview

Django is a web development framework for Python in the same way Rails is a framework for Ruby. It is used by a number of major web sites, including Google (i.e., for the Google Application Engine), and can make developing rich web applications much easier.

Django is not an application on its own. You will need proficiency in Python programming in order to write an application using Django.

Enabling Passenger on your domain

Using Passenger with Django allows for easier Django deployment, maintainability and Django performance. View the following article to activate Passenger on your domain:

How do I enable Passenger on my domain? -

You could use FCGI with Django (, but the configuration is much more involved and not as efficient.

Creating a Django MySQL database

-Installing Django

The recommend way to install Django is in a Python virtual environment. View the following articles for instructions:

See also

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