GitHub star ranking for repositories
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- 1. freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp - - 313769
- 2. - 996icu/996.ICU - 250987
- 4. EbookFoundation/free-progra… - 156262
- 6. tensorflow/tensorflow - 147606
- 7. twbs/bootstrap - 143591
- 8. sindresorhus/awesome - 138786
- 9. jwasham/coding-interview-un… - 130661
- 10. getify/You-Dont-Know-JS - 126315
- 11. kamranahmedse/developer-roa… - 121377
- 12. CyC2018/CS-Notes - 108806
- 13. github/gitignore - 106369
- 14. donnemartin/system-design-p… - 104804
- 15. microsoft/vscode - 101681
- 16. airbnb/javascript - 98924
- 17. flutter/flutter - 98786
- 18. torvalds/linux - 96053
- 19. d3/d3 - 92908
- 20. facebook/react-native - 89535
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