
Record Classes

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See Java record class

Snippet from Wikipedia: Record (computer science)

In computer science, a record (also called a structure, struct, or compound data type) is a composite data structure – a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically fixed in number and sequence.

For example, a date could be stored as a record containing a numeric year field, a month field represented as a string, and a numeric day-of-month field. A circle record might contain a numeric radius and a center that is a point record containing x and y coordinates.

Notable applications include the programming language record type and for row-based storage, data organized as a sequence of records, such as a database table, spreadsheet or comma-separated values (CSV) file. In general, a record type value is stored in memory and row-based storage is in mass storage.

A record type is a data type that describes such values and variables. Most modern programming languages allow the programmer to define new record types. The definition includes specifying the data type of each field and an identifier (name or label) by which it can be accessed. In type theory, product types (with no field names) are generally preferred due to their simplicity, but proper record types are studied in languages such as System F-sub. Since type-theoretical records may contain first-class function-typed fields in addition to data, they can express many features of object-oriented programming.

Classes in OOP: Class (computer programming), Abstract base class (ABC), Abstract class, Class body - Method body, Class browser, Class constructor (Canonical constructor, Compact canonical constructor, Normal canonical constructor, Constructor body, Default constructor, Explicit constructor invocation, Constructor modifier, Constructor overloading, Constructor signature - Method signature, Generic constructor, Constructor throw, Type of a constructor), Class declaration, Class definition, Enum class (Enum constant, Enum body declaration, Enum member), Class field (Field modifier, Static field, Transient field, Volatile field, Field initialization), Formal parameter, Class hiding (Method hiding by class methods), Class hierarchy, Class inheritance (Inheriting methods with Override-Equivalent signatures), Class initializer (Static initializer), Inner class, Class instance - Class instantiation (Class instance initializer - Preventing instantiation of a class), Class library, Class modifier, Final Class - Final method, Generic class (Generic Method - Type parameter), Class implementation file, Class invariant, Class member (Member class and interface declarations), Class methods (Method declaration, Method modifier, Native method, Method result, Method signature, synchronized method, Method throw), Nested class, Overloading (Class Overloading - Method Overloading, Constructor overloading), Overriding (Class overriding - Method overriding - Method overriding by instance methods - Method overriding by class methods, Requirements in overriding and hiding), Record class (Record components, Record constructor, Record constructor declaration, Record body declaration, Record member), Sealed class - Non-sealed class, Static method, strictfp class - strictfp method, Superclass and Subclass (Direct Subclass), Superinterface, C++ classes, C# classes, Java classes, JavaScript classes, Kotlin classes, Python classes, Ruby classes, Scala classes, TypeScript classes, Class topics. (navbar_classes – Don't confuse Course with Class here!)

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