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SI multiples for second (s)
Submultiples Multiples
Value SI symbol Name Value SI symbol Name Equivalent to
10−1 s ds decisecond 101 s das decasecond 10 seconds
10−2 s cs centisecond 102 s hs hectosecond 1 minute, 40 seconds
10−3 s ms millisecond 103 s ks kilosecond 16 minutes, 40 seconds
10−6 s µs microsecond 106 s Ms megasecond 11 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes, 40 seconds
10−9 s ns nanosecond 109 s Gs gigasecond 31.7 years
10−12 s ps picosecond 1012 s Ts terasecond 31,700 years
10−15 s fs femtosecond 1015 s Ps petasecond 31.7 million years
10−18 s as attosecond 1018 s Es exasecond 31.7 billion years
10−21 s zs zeptosecond 1021 s Zs zettasecond 31.7 trillion years
10−24 s ys yoctosecond 1024 s Ys yottasecond 31.7 quadrillion years

Snippet from Wikipedia: Second

The second (symbol: s) is a unit of time, historically defined as 186400 of a day – this factor derived from the division of the day first into 24 hours, then to 60 minutes and finally to 60 seconds each (24 × 60 × 60 = 86400).

The current and formal definition in the International System of Units (SI) is more precise:

The second [...] is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the caesium frequency, ΔνCs, the unperturbed ground-state hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium 133 atom, to be 9192631770 when expressed in the unit Hz, which is equal to s−1.

This current definition was adopted in 1967 when it became feasible to define the second based on fundamental properties of nature with caesium clocks. Because the speed of Earth's rotation varies and is slowing ever so slightly, a leap second is added at irregular intervals to civil time to keep clocks in sync with Earth's rotation.


Disambiguation in a Wiki is the process of resolving conflicts that arise when a potential article title is ambiguous, most often because it refers to more than one subject covered by this Wiki, either as the main topic of an article, or as a subtopic covered by an article in addition to the article's main topic.

See Wikipedia:Disambiguation on Wikipedia

Time: Time in Buddhism, Present Fresh Wakefulness, Present Moment, Now, Three Times (Past-Present-Future), Today in History, Dates and times in programming languages: Programming language dates and times, Programming language dates, Programming language times: Java Time (java.time - java.time.chrono, java.time.format, java.time.temporal,, Java Chronology, Kotlin Time, Scala Time, Clojure Time, Groovy Time, JavaScript Time - TypeScript Time, Python Time, Bash Time, C Time, C++ Time, C# Time, COBOL Time, Dart Time, Fortran Time, Golang Time, PowerShell Time, Ruby Time, Rust Time; Date format - Time format, calendar (Module calendar), time (Module time, Time conversions, time zones (zoneinfo, Module zoneinfo, IANA time zone database), date (dateutil, Package dateutil, Orders of magnitude (time) (Millennium-Millenia, Centuries, Decades, Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Seconds, Nanoseconds, Picoseconds, Millisecond, Microsecond), International System of Units, Jiffy (time), date-time API, Temporal, Temporary, Speed - Velocity, Slow-Fast, Performance: Time Performance - Time Benchmark - Timing, Latency, Y2K, Time Travel, Memory - Remember, Lifetime-Time of Life (Birth-Old Age-Sickness-Death-Bardo-Rebirth), GitHub Time, Awesome Time. (navbar_time)

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second.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 04:39 by

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