
Table of Contents

Programming Topics

Programming terms

“Programming language topics” The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.


















Programming: Programming languages

Variables and Data Types, Control Structures, Functions and Methods, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, Procedural Programming, Event-Driven Programming, Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Error Handling and Debugging, Memory Management, Recursion, Algorithms, Data Structures, Design Patterns, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Version Control Systems, Database Programming, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Game Development, Machine Learning and AI Programming, Network Programming, API Development, Security in Programming, Testing and Quality Assurance, User Interface and User Experience Design, Scripting Languages, Assembly Language, High-Level Programming Languages, Low-Level Programming Languages, Compiler Design, Interpreter Design, Garbage Collection, Regular Expressions, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming, Command Line Interface Development, Cross-Platform Development, Cloud Computing in Programming, Blockchain Programming, IoT Programming, Embedded Systems Programming, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Big Data Technologies, Data Visualization, Data Mining and Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Graphics Programming, Virtual Reality (VR) Development, Augmented Reality (AR) Development, Cryptography in Programming, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems Programming, Operating System Development, Compiler and Interpreter Development, Quantum Computing, Software Project Management, Agile Methodologies, DevOps Practices, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Licensing, Open Source Development, Accessibility in Software Development, Internationalization and Localization, Performance Optimization, Scalability Techniques, Code Refactoring, Design Principles, API Design, Data Modeling, Software Documentation, Peer-to-Peer Networking, Socket Programming, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, Full Stack Development, Secure Coding Practices, Code Reviews, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Functional Programming Paradigms, Imperative Programming, Declarative Programming, Software Architecture, Cloud-Native Development, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Ethical Hacking for Developers, Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Programming, Software Compliance and Standards, Software Auditing, Debugging Tools and Techniques, Code Optimization Techniques, Software Deployment Strategies, End-User Computing, Computational Thinking, Programming Logic and Techniques, Advanced Data Management

Agile, algorithms, APIs, asynchronous programming, automation, backend, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), comments, compilers, concurrency, conditional expressions, containers, control flow, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, dates and times, debugging, dependency injection, design patterns, DevOps, distributed software, Docker, error handling, file I/O, frameworks, frontend, functions, functional programming, GitHub, history, Homebrew, IDEs, installation, JetBrains, JSON, JSON Web Token (JWT), K8S, lambdas, language spec, libraries, linters, Linux, logging, macOS, methods, ML, microservices, mobile dev, modules, monitoring, multi-threaded, network programming, null, numbers, objects, object-oriented programming, observability, OOP, ORMs, packages, package managers, performance, programmers, programming, reactive, refactoring, reserved words, REST APIs, RHEL, SDK, secrets, security, serverless, server-side, Snapcraft, SQL, StackOverflow, standards, standard library, statements, scope, scripting, syntax, systems programming, TDD, testing, tools, type system, web dev, variables, versions, Ubuntu, unit testing, Windows; topics-courses-books-docs. (navbar_programming - see also navbar_variables, navbar_programming_libraries, navbar_data_structures, navbar_algorithms, navbar_software_architecture, navbar_agile)

Return to Programming languages, Software engineering topics, IT Topics, Database Topics, Cloud Computing Topics, Software architecture, Software architecture topics

Return to Programming paradigms, Object-oriented programming (OOP), Reactive programming, Imperative programming, Declarative programming, Procedural programming, Functional programming, Generic programming (Generics), Aspect-oriented programming, Major programming topics, Programming topics, Programming languages, Software engineering topics, Software architecture, Software architecture topics, Awesome lists


(See also class, enumerated class, sealed class)

  • Kotlin arrow operator - Operator used in lambda expressions to separate parameters from the function body, in when expressions to separate the condition from the result, and in function type definitions to separate parameter types from result types: →


  • branch - A set of code executed conditionally.
  • bytecode - The lower-level language used by the Java Virtual Machine.


(See also Kotlin relative scoping)

  • Kotlin class - A definition of a category of objects represented in code.
  • Kotlin class, enumerated, Kotlin enumerated class - A Kotlin class defining a collection of constants called enumerated types; all instances of the class are of one of the defined types. Compared to a sealed class, an enumerated class prohibits inheritance, and its subclasses cannot contain different states or have multiple instances.
    • See also class, sealed; type, enumerated
  • Kotlin class, sealed - A class with a defined set of subtypes, allowing the compiler to check whether a when expression contains an exhaustive set of branches. Compared to an enumerated class, a sealed class permits inheritance, and its subclasses can contain different states and can have multiple instances.“ Fair Use Source: B07FXQ7SQN
    • See also algebraic data type; class, enumerated
  • Kotlin closure - Another term for a Kotlin anonymous function. Anonymous functions in Kotlin may reference local variables defined in the scope outside of the anonymous function because they persist, or “close over,” local variables they reference.” Fair Use Source: B07FXQ7SQN
    • See also function, anonymous



  • Kotlin encapsulation - The principle that an object's functions and properties should be visible to other objects only as needed. Also the process of hiding function and property implementations using visibility modifiers.” Fair Use Source: B07FXQ7SQN


  • Kotlin function, filter - A function that works on the contents of a collection by applying a predicate function to check a condition for each element; elements for which the predicate returns true are added to a new collection returned by the filter function.“ Fair Use Source: B07FXQ7SQN
















BE SURE THAT ALL ITEMS ARE PLURAL and the singular redirects to the plural!

Programming languages, abstraction, agile, ahead-of-time (AOT), AI, algebraic data types, algorithms, Android, anonymous functions, anonymous methods, AOP, AOT, APIs, arguments, ARM, arithmetic, arrays, aspect-oriented, assignment, associative arrays, async, asynchronous callbacks, asynchronous programming, automatic variables, automation, Avro, backend, backwards compatibility, block scoped, Booleans, Boolean expressions, buffer overflow, builds, built-in types, bytecode, cache, caching, call by reference, call by value, callbacks, call stack, casting, characters, Chocolatey, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, closures, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), code smells, coercion, collections, command-line interface, commands, comments, compilers, complex numbers, composition, concurrency, concurrent programming, conditional expressions, conferences, constants, constructors, containers, control flow, control structures, coroutines, crashes, creators, currying, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, data synchronization, dates, dates and times, deadlocks, debugging, declarative, deferred callbacks, delegates, delegation, dependency injection, design patterns, designers, destructors, DevOps, dictionaries, dictionary comprehensions, DI, distributed software, distributions, distros, DL, Docker, do-while, DSL, duck typing, dynamic binding, dynamic scope, dynamically scoped, dynamically typed, dynamic variables, eager evaluation, embedded, encapsulation, encryption, enumerated types, enumeration, enums, environment variables, errors, error handling, evaluation strategy, event-driven, event handlers, event loops, exception handling, executables, execution, expressions, FaaS, Facebook, fibers, fields, file input/output, file synchronization, file I/O, filter, first-class functions, fold, foreach loops, fork-join, floating-point, FP, frameworks, FreeBSD, frontend, functions, functional, functional programming, function overloading, garbage collection, generators, generator expressions, generics, generic programming, GitHub, global variables, GraphQL, gRPC, GUI, hashing, heap, heap allocation, hello world, higher-order functions, history, Homebrew, HTTP, idempotence, IDEs, import, imperative, immutable values, immutability, inheritance, influenced, influenced by, installation, integers, integration testing, interfaces, internationalization, interpreters, interprocess communication (IPC), iOS, IoT, IPCs, ISO Standard, iteration, JetBrains, JIT, JSON, JSON-RPC, JSON Web Tokens, JSON Web Token (JWT), Just-in-time (JIT), JWT, K8S, keywords, lambdas, lambda expressions, lambda functions, language spec, lazy evaluation, lexically scoped, lexical scoping, libraries, linters, Linux, lists, list comprehensions, literals, localization, local variables, locks, logging, logo, looping, loosely typed, loose typing, macOS, map, mascot, math, member variables, memoization, memory addressing, memory allocation, malloc, memory management, memory safety, message queues, metaclasses, meta-programming, methods, method overloading, MFA, ML, microservices, Microsoft, mobile dev, modules, modulo operators, monitoring, multiprocessing, multi-threaded, mutable values, mutability, mutex (mutual exclusion), namespaces, natural language processing (NLP), networking, network programming, NLP, non-blocking, non-blocking I/O, null, null reference, null coalescing operators, numbers, number precision, OAuth, objects, object code, object comparisons, object creation, object creators, object destruction, object destructors, object lifetime, object-oriented constructors, object-oriented programming, object serialization, observability, OOP, operators, operator overloading, optimizations, organizations, ORMs, packages, package managers, pass by reference, pass by value, parallel computing, parallel programming, parallelism, parameters, people, performance, persistence, pipelines, pointers, polymorphism, primitives, primitive data types, probability, procedural, processes, producer-consumer, programmers, programming, programming paradigm, program structure, program termination, Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), Protocol Buffers, Protobuf, proxies, public-key encryption, PKI, pure functions, race conditions, random, reactive, readability, records, recursion, reentrancy, refactoring, reference counting, reference types, referential transparency, reflection, regex, remote procedure calls (RPC), REPL, reserved words, REST, REST APIs, RHEL, RPCs, runtimes, safe navigation operators, SDK, secrets, security, serialization, serverless, server-side, sets, set comprehensions, side effects, signed integers, SMTP, Snapcraft, social media, sockets, source code, source-to-source compiler, SQL, SSL - SSL-TLS, Single sign-on (SSO), SSO, StackOverflow, stack, stack allocation, Stack overflow, standards, standard errors, standard input, standard library, standard operators, standard output, state, statements, strings, string concatenation, string functions, string operations, scheduling, scientific notation, scope, scope rules, scoping, scripting, static analyzers, statically scoped, static scoping, statically typed, static variables, statistics, strongly typed, structural typing, synchronization, syntax, systems programming, TCP/IP, TDD, testing, test frameworks, threads, thread-local storage (TLS), TLS, thread locking, thread locks, thread safety, thread scheduling, thread synchronization, times, timers, to JavaScript, tools, toolchain, transpiler, transpiling to JavaScript, truth values, tuples, type checking, type conversion, type inference, type safety, type system, web dev, while loops, work stealing, values, value types, variables, variable lifetime, variable scope, versions, virtual environments, virtual machine, Ubuntu, Unicode, unit testing, unsigned integers, usability, weak typing, weakly typed, Windows, wrappers, written using, x86-64-AMD64, XML, YAML;

topics-courses-books-docs. (navbar_programming_detailed - Based on MASTER navbar_golang_detailed)

navbar_programming is the shorter one.


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